I offer five different types of genetic testing that are catered to your needs and wants. Together, we can discuss which test would be best for you. To learn more about the options, continue below...
DNA health uses your genetics to establish the optimal nutrition necessary for your good health and energy. It follows the same philosophy that health is not merely the absence of disease, but rather, the presence of vitality and longevity. Through a person’s unique genetics, DNA health determines which lifestyle and dietary choices, as well as supplements, would help to offset any nutritional deficit or genetic shortcomings.
DNA health looks at 36 gene variations involved in nine biological processes, all of which are key factors in the onset of chronic diseases:
Research has put forward that an individual’s genes can put them at risk for weight gain and the ability to lose weight through the regulation of energy expenditure, appetite, and fat metabolism. This specifically has to do with their DNA’s metabolic processes that correlates to insulin sensitivity, snacking, binge eating, their response to exercise, and more. This helps to explain why there is no “one-size fits all” approach to weight loss, and why some people may become obese in the same environment where others do not.
DNA DIET homes in on thirteen well-researched and clinically useful gene variations (or SNP’s) that impact a person’s obesity risk and weight management. By analyzing an individual’s DNA DIET, we can recommend the best tailored & individualized diet plan just for them. Why? Not only are we considering your personal history, dietary partners, preferences, and relationship with food, but we are considering your DNA too!
Oestrogen hormones, or estrogen hormones, impact all women in multiple ways. They affect growth, differentiation, and function of target tissues, synthesis of steroid hormones, and assist in liver detoxification. Unfortunately, they also play a role in the progression of oestrogen-dominant conditions, such as endometriosis, PMS (premenstrual syndrome), uterine fibroid tumors, or where there is a family history of breast, uterine, or ovarian cancer. Therefore, considering an individual’s variability with these hormones is essential is the possible development of diseases.
The Nordic DNA lysis Oestrogen Metabolism and Detoxification test highlights 12 gene variations that are involved in estrogen biosynthesis & metabolism, and phase I and II liver detoxification. These results provide insight into sub-populations of women that have a higher lifetime exposure to estrogens, oestrogen metabolites, and other carcinogens, and guide them on personalized diet, lifestyle, hormone, and nutraceutical recommendations.
It is not surprising that our DNA can correlate to our athletic performance, training responsiveness, and ability to recover from exercise training and injury-related traits. Using genetic insights, athletes and their trainers can determine optimal training patterns that allow an athlete to benefit as much as possible from training sessions, exploit potential advantages, and identify weaknesses that need to be worked on. Furthermore, they can implement tailored nutritional choices to optimize athletic recovery time, attempt to prevent athletic injury, and to perform at one’s athletic best.
It is important to note that a person's predisposition to athletic success in their DNA will not make them an Olympic athlete from sitting on a couch. Athletic performance is based on genes and environmental factors. Therefore, the athletic phenotype is complex and should be considered multifactorial – One should consider their genes, lifestyle, and nutrition to express their inherited athletic genes to perform their best.
This test is broken up into three categories related to sport performance:
1) Injury susceptibility
2) Recovery
3) Power and endurance performance
The heritability of mental health disorders is significant and a person’s genetic predisposition to these disorders should absolutely be considered. In fact, there are multiple genetic variations (or SNP’s) that are involved in the processes of mental health disorders can give immense insight into the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of these diseases.
DNA Mind tests analyzes 37 gene variations that are significantly associated with mental health disorders of the following:
1) Neurodegenerative disorders, such as mild cognitive decline & late onset Alzheimer’s disease
2) Mood regulation, such as depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder
3) Addictive behavior, such as alcohol/nicotine/cannabis/opioid dependence, eating disorders (binge eating), psychosis response from cannabis use, and adrenaline seeking/risk-taking behavior.
These genes relate to key biological processes involved in lipid metabolism, inflammation, methylation, stress response, Wnt & cell signaling, endo-cannabinoid pathway, and hormonal pathways. Understanding a person’s individual genotype will offer biochemical insights to achieve efficient interventional strategies for mental health disorders.
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